Moose Hunts
With the trophy quality plummeting in most general season areas, we have partnered with a veteran guide in the trophy draw areas of the Chugach Mountains! We focus on hunting these Bulls during prime rut, to ensures high success on the biggest breeding Bulls. Calling is very effective & exciting this time of the year, as you hunt the largest deer species on the planet. Transportation is by Super Cub aircraft to access the best remote breeding grounds. Bulls have ranged an incredible 65″- 72″ on this hunt! December 31st of the previous year is the application deadline for this hunt.
If you would rather not gamble on the draw or just plain missed it, we can also recommend a fantastic remote Lodge operation with guaranteed tags & big Bulls too. This Lodge is in the middle of nowhere but has incredible amenities; private cabins & baths, along with a large relaxing sauna too. Hunts are conducted out of remote spike camps via Super Cub aircraft. Our partner here has averaged over 60″ on Bulls for the past 29 years! Multi species combo options are available such as- Dall Sheep, Grizzly Bear, Black Bear, Caribou, & Wolf.